Thursday, July 16, 2020

The mini me

So, before I delve into my lovely morning *sarcasm*. Let me tell you that I am NOT a morning person. Ok. So, this morning I am woken by my lovely daughter's ear piercing screams. No, she wasn't in danger. She just wanted to show me her creation.... 

On my brand new painting.... The beautiful one I had been working on just the night before. Left out to dry as we slept..... Now adorned with pink marker all over the bottom. Now I didn't know this yet but, it's harder to paint over marker than acrylic. Yay. I've painted 5 coats of white and can still see the pink marker. Frustrating.

In order to make myself feel better I created several more paintings and repaired a few old ones. Soothing. Now I wait for it to dry and I watch it very carefully. My mini me is mischievous. 

I also enjoyed a nice shopping trip alone. I picked out surprises to give my secret person. Got myself 2 more cans of my latest addiction. Honey Mustard Pringles. Yep, that's right. Honey mustard. So delicious! I also picked up candy for my person and snagged some watermelon sour patch for myself. Score!

Sometimes it's the little things that make the day. My new leggings arrived in the mail and I picked up our new lawn mower. Happiness abounding! I have most definitely had a good day so far. The pups even got their nails clipped finally. I think I might treat myself to a nice "spa" evening after the kids fall asleep. The ending to a perfect day. 

Only thing better would have been enjoying it all with my awesome hubby. He's at work. Working hard to provide for us, his family. He's truly the best husband and father I could have ever asked for. He's the cherry on the top of every perfect day.

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