Thursday, August 13, 2020

Work Work Work

Work. That's what I've been up to lately. I went from one side gig to three fulltime side gigs! Yep. I'm a busy woman now. I sell ItWorks and I absolutely love it! I'm sampling the products and they're really great! I also sell cute and custom clothing. I can get you pretty much any image on your cute soft shirt! We can't forget about my painting gig! I've been working with new style such as pour painting and blending with a palette knife. It's been really fun experimenting. Soon I'm gonna decorate some wine bottles! I still manage to take care of my kids, but I am definitely tired by the evening. I'm just glad I can run two of my businesses from my phone. It allows me to work during my son's baseball practice or daughters gymnastics classes. I'm gonna include my links at the bottom for anyone who wants to check them out!

I've been busy but happy. Very happy. My kids are a handful at times but I can handle it. When they're being good it's such a wonderful time together. I've started a routine of movie night before bed. We turn off the light and get snuggled under blankets with our pillows and stuffed toys. It's very relaxing and allows me to do work on my phone off in the corner. Nights always go easier when we have that wind down time.  Then after the kids are in bed I get to have my own wind down time. I follow up on work, maybe work on some art, or scroll through facebook for a few million hours. Just kidding, only like 2 hours really hahaha. I always think it's weird to write out the sound of laughing. Even lol just doesn't seem right when writing. Sure a text message it's acceptable but in a blog? or a letter? it just seems weird to me. hahaha. yep, still weird.

I'm about to get my late night butt to bed. Just wanted to hop on and say hello! I'm still here! Have a splendid Goodnight!


J.Elizabeth Boutique:

Painted Expressions By Jenn:

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