Saturday, January 24, 2015

It's a been a long long mom month

It's actually been quite a few months since I last posted anything. I admire those moms I read about who have the time to throw together a blog or two in a week, never the less a day. Of course every mom's life, their "job", is different. There's some moms who have the luxury of staying home all day. I used to be one of those, but seriously even a SAHM has an insanely busy schedule. Between breakfast, lunch, dinner, laundry, dishes, clean up, melt downs, dragging kids to the grocery store, etc... There's very little time alone. In fact, there's never a moment alone for a SAHM (unless you want to count the two minute cookie binge in the closet). Then there's the college mom, that's me now. We struggle to balance parenting and schoolwork. If your lucky enough to not have a kid in school yet then that's one less homework assignment you have to look at. But, if like me, you have a crazy two year old in the house. That leaves little time to actually sit down and do anything involving paper or a computer (as I type this I am watching my kid move my salad bowl around the table saying "choo choo", I only pray it doesn't fall and break as I take the moment to do something for myself). I find myself up at 2am many night  working on my homework because I finally have time, while he is sleeping. Of course I also know the longer I'm up the less sleep I will get, because he will wake at 830, regardless of when I fall asleep. I can't leave out the working moms, I have yet to be one, my side job is a Nanny, but I know I soon will. A working mom must balance time with her child and time with her work. Working is what gives her the time with her child. I hear some moms worry that their working affects the bond with their child. I think providing for your child is more important in the bonding with your child. You will be the hard working role model they think of as they grow up, and all the moments shared in between job time only makes the time more special.There's also the single moms, and the married moms. The cloth diaper moms, and the disposable diaper moms. The breastfeeding moms, and the formula moms. There's families with two moms, and families with male "moms". So many moms, and each child needs one. Some might be foster moms, or life coaching moms. Some might be related, and some two different races. The most important thing is that we are all moms. We are all important in the eyes of our children. No matter what kind of mom you are, you are a Mom. You are strong, tender, and important. You know everything even when you feel like you know nothing. We are the leaders of the future. You have the choice as a mom to choose how the world will turn out. Just by showing your love as a mom to that child, the one that calls you Mom.
                    I must admit, this was not the type of Blog I was planning on writing about tonight. but sometimes, when it comes to you, you must let it out. I just wanna say, every day I learn a little more about what being a mom really is. Today we had our biggest melt down yet. I'm sure there will be bigger in the future, but this one takes the cake so far. It was in Target, we had just finished checking out, I was so thankful for that. I told my son it was time to put on his coat. It's January, it's cold out. That's when it started. The screaming, the kicking, the falling down and rolling all over the floor. As I sat on the floor trying to wrestle my squirming child's arms into his coat, just enough to cover him before I ran outside. I wondered, "is any one looking?" "I wonder what they think" "Do I look like a bad mom?" and as I thought these things I realized. WHO CARES?! I'm a mom, these kinds of things are normal when your a mom. Other moms will understand, or maybe they will think they are better (but I'm sure they've secretly been through the same thing). Non-parents, well, if they ever have kids they'll finally get it. If not, then they have no opinion. These experiences test your motherly patients and maybe even your humility. I feel like I aced today's test, I kept a calm demeanor and even managed not to laugh out loud in embarrassment. Everyone has a mother story to tell. Just remember, it's totally ok to laugh.